
Palvelimet SankoChat 1.3.2

Sinulla ei ole oikeutta ladata tätä resurssia
Testatut Minecraft-versiot
1.8, 1.12, 1.13
Paras työkalu pitääksesi chatin puhtaana.


  • Spam-esto, säädettävä aika.
  • Toisto-esto, estää pelaajia laittamasta samoja viestejä!
  • Fiksu toisto-esto, plugin pystyy havaitsemaan samankaltaiset viestit.
  • Caps-esto, estää ihmisiä käyttämästä capsia.
  • URL ja IP havannointi jolla voit estää mainostuksen!
  • Kiellettyjen sanojen lista, estää ihmisiä sanomasta niitä.
  • Sallittujen URL lista.
  • Täysin muokattavissa olevat asetukset.
  • Varoitus systeemi
  • Sanan korvaus
  • Automaattinen väliaikais-viestihistorian poistaminen
  • Komentojen spam esto
  • Komentojen esto, estä tietyt komennot
  • Chatin historian tallentaminen, tallentaa perus tapahtumat, viestihistorian ja komentohistorian
Komennot ja Oikeudet

sankochat.bypass.blockedwords - Ohitus oikeus kielletyille sanoille.
sankochat.bypass.cooldown - Ohitus oikeus ajoitukseen.
sankochat.bypass.repeat - Ohitus oikeus toistoon.
sankochat.bypass.similar - Ohitus oikeus fiksuun toistoon.
sankochat.bypass.filter - Ohitus oikeus URL ja IP havaintoon
sankochat.bypass.caps - Ohitus oikeus capsille
sankochat.bypass.replaceword - Ohitus oikeus sanan korvaamiselle
sankochat.command.reload - Oikeus config.yml uudelleenlataamiseen
sankochat.command.resetdata - Oikeus nollata varoitukset
sankochat.notifications - Ylläpitäjien ilmoitukset
sankochat.* - Ylläpitäjän permit

/sankochat reload - Config.yml uudelleenlataamis komento. Vaatii sankochat.command.reload oikeuden
/sankochat resetdata - Komento jolla voi nollata varoitukset. Vaatii sankochat.command.resetdata oikeuden

# SSSSS  AA   N  N  K K   KK      CC  H H   AA   TTTTT #
# S     A  A  NN N  K K  K  K    C    H H  A  A    T   #
# SSSSS AAAA  N NN  KK   K  K    C    HHH  AAAA    T   #
#     S A  A  N  N  K K  K  K    C    H H  A  A    T   #
# SSSSS A  A  N  N  K K   KK      CC  H H  A  A    T   #
#Settings ==============================
#If you want to use cooldown, set value to true
use-cooldown-time: true
#Cooldown time (in seconds)
cooldown-time: 2
#If you wish to use command cooldown
use-command-cooldown-time: true
#Command cooldown time (in seconds)
command-cooldown-time: 2
#Use command blacklist
use-command-blacklist: true
#Use url, domain name and ip filter. You can togle difrend filters if you have link-filter enabled
link-filter: true
filter-urls: true
filter-ips: true
filter-dn: true
#If you want to use blocked-word-list, set value to true
blocked-word-detection: true
#Use replace words
use-replace-word: true
#If you dont want to have same message spawn
stop-message-repeat: true
#If you dont want to have too similar messages
stop-message-similaries: true
#How similiar messages must have to block them. (0.80 -> 80%)
similiar-message-precent: 0.80
#If you dont want people to spam caps, set value to true
stop-caps: true
#If you have other plugins that may bypass sankochat, you can send null message that clears the message so
# plugin that bypasses sankochat will not recive message (WARNING: MAY CAUSE ERRORS FOR OTHER PLUGINS)
resend-null-message: false
#What message you want to resend. resend-null-message must be false. Use {0} as message itself
resend-message: "{0}"
#Log messages and commands
log-messages: true
log-commands: true
#Turn this on if you wish to log deaths, kills, joins and leaves
log-events: true
#If you want to use prefix, set value to true and change prefix value to your own
use-prefix: false
prefix: "&7[&a&lMy&b&lPrefix&7] &r"
#Clear system ==============================
#Use automatic clear system
clear-message-history: true
clear-warnings: false
#Clear timing (in minutes)
clear-time: 1
#Warning system ==============================
#If you dont want to use punishment system, you can togle it
use-warning-system: false
#How many warnings player must have before punishment
warning-cap: 4
#Punishment command ex. "kick {0} {1}". Dont use slash char
#{0} stands for player and {1} stands for message
punishment-command: "kick {0} {1}"
#Punishment message
#{0} stands for warning count
#does not work with colors
punishent-message: "You have kicked for reaching {0} warnings!"
#Warning recived message
#{0} is warning reason, {1} is current warning count and {2} is warning cap
warning-recived: "&cYou have been warned for {0}. You have {1}/{2} left."
#Message that shows for players who has notification permission
#{0} stands for player, {1} stands for reason, {2} stands for current warning count and {3} stands for maxium warning count
warned-player: "&ePlayer {0} has been warned for {1}. Warnings: {2}/{3}"
#Turn this on if you want to broadcast message to console
show-console-message: false
#If you want to use custom warning system that is connected to ex. litebans. You can use it (This togles off SankoChat own punishmet system)
use-own-warning-system: false
#Command that executes when player should get warning ex. "warn {0} {1}". Dont use slash char
#{0} stands for player and {1} stands for message, this uses punishment-message (You can use your own message if you want)
warning-command: "warn {0} {1}"
#Here is list for when people shoud get warned
warn-blocked-words: true
warn-blocked-commands: true
warn-repeat: true
warn-similar: true
warn-caps: false
warn-filter: true
#Here reasons for warnings
reason-blocked-words: "Swearing"
reason-blocked-commands: "Blocked command"
reason-repeat: "Repeat"
reason-similar: "Repeat"
reason-caps: "caps"
reason-filter: "URL or IP"
#Messages ==============================
#You can turn messages on or off if you are anoyed of them
cooldown-message: "&cDont send messages too fast. You have {0} seconds left"
enable-cooldown-message: true
command-cooldown-message: "&cDont type commands too fast. You have {0} seconds left"
enable-command-cooldown-message: true
message-repeat: "&cDont repeat yourself!"
enable-message-repeat: true
similiar-message: "&cDont send too similiar message!"
enable-similiar-message: true
blocked-word-message: "&cYou are not allowed to swear!"
enable-blocked-word-message: true
blocked-command-message: "&cYou cant run that command!"
enable-blocked-command-message: true
caps-message: "&cDONT USE CAPS"
enable-caps-message: true
filter-message: "&cYou dont have permission to send messages that contains url, ips or domain names!"
enable-filter-message: true
reload-message: "&aConfig file has been reloaded."
enable-reload-message: true
datareset-message: "&cAll warnings and checks has been reseted."
enable-datareset-message: true
no-permission: "&cYou dont have permission to execute that command!"
enable-no-permission: true
clear-time-message: "&aAll warnings and message history has been cleared!"
enable-clear-time-message: true
#Log messages
log-join-message: "%player% joined"
log-leave-message: "%player% left"
log-death-message: "%player% died"
log-kill-message: "%killer% killed %player%"
#Lists ==============================
   - 'exsample_word'
   - '/example'
#List of allowed website urls, ips or domain names. link-filter must be true
   - ''
   - ''
   - ''
#List of replace list. example: - 'blockedword:something else'
   - 'example:elpmaxe'
#Made by videosambo
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Hyviä puolia
-spammerit ei tykkää
-mainostajat ei tykkää

-vähän buginen